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I began my career as a clinical psychologist for Massachusetts Department of Mental Health where I was the founding Clinical Director of the Massachusetts Department of Corrections—Reception Diagnostic Center.


This was followed by consulting on founding of The Charles River Counseling Center where I treated individuals, couples and groups and served as their Director of Group Psychotherapy .


I went on to open my licensed independent clinical practice serving couples in the Boston area and then in Western Massachusetts where I continue to see clients. I recently expanded my couples coaching to New York City.


I studied cognitive and spiritual approaches at the Mind-Body Medical Institute and intensive couples intervention under Terrence Real at the Relational Life Institute where I achieved certification as RLT Master Therapist.


I served as Adjunct Professor at Northeastern and Boston University and was on the Adjunct Medical Staff of Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital in New Hampshire and at Fairview Hospital in Massachusetts.


I am the co-author with my wife, Elise Title MSW of LOVING SMART: Putting Your Cards on the Table, published by Warner Books. Our second book on relationships,  RELATIONSHIP CLEANUP: How to Create and Maintain a Happy, Healthy Relationshipwas released in 2019.


I hold a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from The City College of New York and a Doctoral degree from the Boston University Graduate School of Education in Adult Counseling/Clinical Psychology.

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